Today's Lindism pokes fun at the saying, "You made your bed. Now sleep in it!" The original is an exhortation to deal with the consequences of your actions. In my twist, I'm saying that after making your choice, enjoy it. Have fun with it!
Until next time...
Think on it!
Today's Lindsim plays on the expression, "Once bitten twice shy" which is to say that if you have a bad experience with someone or something you'll shy away from it a second time. In my twist, I'm supposing that something that "bites" you the first time should have kept you from acting a second time but it didn't and now one asks "why?"
Until next time...
Think on it!
Today's Lindism builds on the expression, "A man with a hammer sees every problem as a nail." The Lindism plays with the idea that a man sometimes wants to build things with his hammer when an opportunity presents itself as if he was on a home makeover show.
Until next time...
Think on it!
Today's Lindism spins the saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" which is to say that the onlooker determines if what he sees is beautiful. My Lindism is a comment on how today's filtering tools let us enhance photos to increase their beauty.
Until next time....
Think on it!
Today's Lindism originates from "All that glitters is not gold." In the original the lesson is that just because something looks valuable doesn't mean that it is. My Lindism speaks to a similar issue. Just because a person looks fine on the outside doesn't mean that he's fine on the inside. He may have things inside of which he dare not speak. In this age of transparency we can forget that not everything we feel is going to be spoken.
Get it? Until next time...
Think on it!